Volodja Balzalorsky – Violin Professor
University of Ljubljana – Academy of Music

Violin professor Volodja Balzalorsky, who is considered one of the top violin pedagogues, was appointed as a professor of violin at the Academy of Music of the University of Ljubljana in 1996. Internationally recognized as a violinist, chamber musician, and pedagogue, he is especially dedicated to teaching the violin – one of his greatest passion.
He teaches at various summer schools, and is regularly asked to give masterclasses in various countries.
His pupils have won many first prizes and awards, both nationally and internationally.
As a violin teacher in his rich, more than 40 years of pedagogical work, he combines his own pedagogical methodology and experience, with violin knowledge acquired from his outstanding violin professors such as Igor Ozim, Grigory Zhislin, Galina Barinova, Josef Suk, and all members of Amadeus quartet, as well as with his experience of a concert performer on the international stage.
Volodja finds it very important for the further artistic development of his students to encourage them to continue their studies with other violin professors at other music universities after completing their studies in his class.
As a violin teacher in his rich, more than 40 years of pedagogical work, he combines his own pedagogical methodology and experience, with violin knowledge acquired from his outstanding violin professors such as Igor Ozim, Grigory Zhislin, Galina Barinova, Josef Suk, and all members of Amadeus quartet, as well as with his experience of a concert performer on the international stage.
Volodja finds it very important for the further artistic development of his students to encourage them to continue their studies with other professors at other music universities after completing their studies in his class.
Many of his students have been accepted on the basis of successful auditions to continue their studies at prestigious institutions such as P.I. Tchaikovsky in Moscow, University of Music in Vienna, Royal College of Music and Trinity Laban Conservatory in London, University of Music in Salzburg, University of Music in Graz, Musik Hochschule in Rostock, Carnegie Mellow University in USA, and others.

from the left-Volodja Balzalorsky, Lana Trotovsek-Assistant, Marija Colovic, Matic Bavdek, Kritina Fale,
Katja Dadic, Nezka Starc, Matej Haas – Assistant, Nikola Semic
Violin teaching history
Volodja Balzalorsky began to teach violin in 1978 when he was still a student – 3rd year at “Musik Hochschule” in Cologne (violin with Prof. Igor Ozim, and chamber music with members of Amadeus Quartet).
During the long period from 1983 to 2020 he has been teaching violin uninterrupted at the “Ljubljana Conservatory” – part time contract (working mostly with some pupils of the age 14-19 -Second teaching Level) . In 1996 he was invited to become a professor of violin at the Academy of Music – University of Ljubljana, where he still teaches today (full time job) as a Full Professor.
Volodja also regularly gives violin and chamber music masterclasses worldwide: International Cultural Centre of Jeunesses Musicales Croatia in Grožnjan (1986-1996); Trinity Laban Conservatory in London; Music University in Vienna; Interlocken Art Academy in Michigan; Bachus Conservatory in Ausitn, Texas; Music Academy in Zagreb; Malta International Masterclasses – https://vfimf.com/artists/; ESTA (European string teachers association) conference 2020 in Porto to name a few
A key part of teaching methodology
A key part of Volodja Balzalorsky’s teaching methodology is the equal development of the technical, emotional and intellectual aspects of violin playing, where the goal is always the “musical whole” – interpretation.
At the same time, it is important to realize that as a teacher it is necessary to adapt to each student individually, and to get to know his or her psycho-physical qualities as deeply as possible. Only such an approach ensures the most optimal development for each individual.
The most important violin teaching elements
The most important violin teaching elements, violin professor Volodja Balzalorsky takes care as a violin teacher on all levels of teaching process:
– To keep in mind that everybody is different and to treat everyone as an individual!
– To teach singing on violin, even if playing exercises and scales.
– To support individual creativity on all levels.
– To teach how to practice and how to organize practicing time – time management
– Taking care to listen to yourself “objective” and how important it is for all aspects of playing: technique (sound control, intonation, rhythm etc) and musical phrasing with final goal – “interpretation”.
– To choose the right selection of violin pieces (concerts, sonatas, short pieces etc.) and right exercises according to student/pupil’s level.
– Building a solid violin basic technique and to take care for it on all levels – work on intonation problems and tonal restrictions, bowing solutions etc.
– Regular intensive work on scales, “etudes” and other exercises for left and right hand
– To take care of synchronization and “timing” of left-right hand.
– Dealing with nervousness and finding solutions how to prevent being “too nervous” on the stage.
Students of Violin Professor Volodja Balzalorsky
Volodja’s current and former students/pupils
won several national and international prizes and awards:
among them multiple international award winning violinist Lana Trotovsek www.lanaviolin.com who is already Professor of Violin at The Trinity Laban Conservatory in London, and at the same time his assistant in Ljubljana,and Maja Horvat www.majahorvat.com -prize winner of Szymanowski Violin Competition in Poland and Recipient of 2019/2020 Royal Philharmonic Society Emily Anderson violinist award.
Many of his former students won also “job position” in several orchestras in Italy, Austria, Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia, such as Matej Haas, concert master of the Salzburg Philharmonic; Domen Lorenz – member of the Slovenian National Opera who complements this position with solo performances; Andrej Kopač – member of the Slovenian Symphony Orchestra, who complements his position with contemporary music performances, and activity as a member of several alternative groups; some others are members of internationally active chamber groups (Gregor Hrabar-The Berlin-Tokyo Quartet www.quartetberlintokyo.com), some others are already professional successful teachers.
Students of Violin Professor Volodja Balzalorsky

Lana Trotovsek
Multiple Award Winning Violinist – Violin Professor at the Trinity Laban Conservatory and Assistant of Volodja Balzalorsky.
The concert at the Wigmore Hall by Lana Trotovsek and Maria Canyigueral was reviewed in The Strad magazine. Tim Homfray refers their ” true feel of live intuitive performance” Read the whole review.
Genre: Classical-Contemporary. Lana has been a student of Volodja Balzalorsky for 11 years.

Benjamin Izmajlov
Benjamin Izmajlov is an internationally acknowledged violin soloist, composer, conductor, producer, sound engineer and professor – one the most prolific and versatile artists of his generation. Genre: Classical & Cross-Over
Violin Professor at the Wiener Musikakademie
Guest Soloist of the Moscow Philharmonic Society
He was Volodja Balzalorsky’s regular student for 6 years.

Maja Horvat
Maja Horvat – prize winner of Szymanowski Violin Competition and prize winner of several additional international and national competitions.
Maja gave her debut performance at Wigmore Hall in 2021 as first violinist of the Brompton Quartet, of which she is a founding member and with whom she gives frequent world premieres.
Genre: Classical – Contemporary. Maja has been a student of Volodja Balzalorsky for 5 years.

Domen Lorenz
Violinist Domen Lorenz is one of the finest Slovenian classical musicians of the younger generation. Multiple first prize winner at various violin competitions performed as a soloist with Slovenian Philharmonie, Slovenian Symphony Orchestra and with several other orchestras. He is a member of the Slovenian National Opera Orchestra. He finished his Master Studies with honor in the class of Volodja Balzalorsky at Academy of Music of the University of Ljubljana.

Agata Miklavc
Agata Miklavc is Assistant to Prof. Andres Cardenes at the Carnegie Mellow University in USA. An inspired chamber musician, Agata has performed with world renown artists such as the Escher quartet, Aaron Boyd, Violeta Smailovic-Huart, Andres Diaz, Andres Cardenes, Paul Coletti and Wendy Chan to name a few. An esteemed competitor, she won numerous prizes at competitions around the globe, including the recent 3rd prize at the Glazunov competition in Paris. Agata was four years regular student of Volodja Balzalorsky and received her Bachelor Diploma with honor at the Music Academy of Ljubljana University.

Matej Haas
Matej Haas is Assistant of Volodja Balzalorsky at Music Academy of Ljubljana University, and Concert master of Philharmonie Salzburg.
Matej has been a student of Volodja Balzalorsky for 6 years.

Marko Zepic
Marko Zepic (Žepić) is one of the most distinguished Croatian concert violinists of the younger generation. Recipient of multiple music awards is also very successful teacher in Austria. He was Volodja Balzalorsky’s private student for five years and his assistant at Violin Summer School in Grožnjan.

Gregor Hrabar
Gregor Hrabar: Viola www.quartetberlintokyo.com – with excellence finished his Master study with Volodja Balzalorsky.

Vuk Krakovic
In the period 2004-2012 he became famous as a Violin Soloist for Cirque du Soleil’s show: ‘Varekai’, touring over 80 cities on five continents: North America, Australia, Europe, Asia and South America. Performed over 2800 shows for over 7 million spectators.
In music competitions, he won 1st Prize in Santiago de Compostela in Spain for the “Joaquin Rodrigo” International Competition in 1996, and was additionally awarded the Best Interpretation of Spanish Music prize.
Still a student of Volodja Balzalorsky (period 1987-1992), he also won the 1st Prize in Slovenia’s National Music Competition in 1992 and was named the Best Violinist in All Categories. As a result he performed Mozart Violin Concerto in G major as a guest soloist with the Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra.

Anja Jamsek
Anja Jamsek (Jamšek) has been a winner of national and international competitions and an active performer on stages around Europe since an early age. After her Master Degree with honor at the Music Academy of Ljubljana University in the class of Volodja Balzalorsky, she continued her studies in London at the Trinity Laban Conservatory. Currently UK resident, she is very active as a soloist, chamber musician as well as violin teacher.

Andrej Kopac
Andrej Kopac (Kopač) is noted Slovenian violinist of the younger generation, especially known for his dedication to contemporary music. The CD with works for solo violin written by several Slovenian contemporary composers received much acclaim. He is member of Slovenian Symphony Orchestra and also very active in several alternative groups.

Klara Gomboc
Klara Gomboc is a professional violinist, arranger, composer and music producer with a uniquely personal and expressive interpretative style. In Southern Spain she quickly gained fame as “La Violinista de La Puerta del Puente” [The Violinist of The Gate of the Bridge] for her open air performances in the picturesque historic city centre of Córdoba.
Her musical expertise encompasses a broad spectrum: from giving concerts as well as performing in various other events, arranging and interpreting music and producing her own albums to collaborating with other artists.
Volodja’s students internationally successful in the field of Crossover
the international field of cross-over and world-music (Vuk Krakovic who was 8 years leader of famous “cirque du soleil” ochestra, Jelena Ždrale www.discogs.com/artist/588532-Jelena-Ždrale, Klara Gomboc www.laviolinista.es) to name a few..

Vuk Krakovic
Of all the former students of Volodja Balzalorski, who, in addition to performing classical music, specializes in many other musical styles, Vuk Kraković is the most internationally recognized and versatile, especially as a Violin Soloist for Cirque du Soleil’s show: ‘Varekai’.
He has recorded and performed with British bands The Delgados and Belle and Sebastian, also performing at the Mosaic Music Festival at the Esplanade, along with his trio. Recently, he collaborated with the London/Leeds-based electronic.

Jelena Zdrale
Slovenian violin/viola player.
She had played in band Lolita for two years. Later on she founded, together with Lazar, Ivanuša and de Gleria, the ethno-jazz quartet Štefbet Rifi. Together they released the well-known album Juhu. She was actively involved in the groups Godalika (album Time 2 Start) and Fake orchestra (albums Fake life, Fake world). She was also a member of the group Brina (on albums Mlado Leto and Pasja Legenda). With all the bands mentioned earlier she performed at concerts and festivals both at home and abroad. More Info.

Klara Gomboc
Her musical expertise encompasses a broad spectrum: from giving concerts as well as performing in various other events, arranging and interpreting music and producing her own albums to collaborating with other artists.

Benjamin Izmajlov
In addition to performing classical music, also Benjamin Izmajlov specializes in many other musical styles. He is recognized as a very successful crossover violinst.

Andrej Kopac
Andrej Kopač complements playing in the RTV Slovenia orchestra with successful performances and recordings of contemporary music, as well as playing in several alternative bands.
Volodja Balzalorsky’s EDUCATION
Music Hochschule Köln 1975-1980 (his professor of violin was legendary Igor Ozim), and chamber music with members of Amadeus quartet –Graduation in March 1980), Moscow Conservatory “Tchaikovsky”- Postgraduate study with famous violin teacher Galina Barinova (1980-81), Vienna Music University – regular student of worldwide renowned violinist and violin professor Josef Suk (1981-1985), and regular student of famous violinist-chamber musician and violin teacher Klaus Maetzl (1985-86). Zagreb Music Academy (1983-1986 with renowned Croatian violinist and violin teacher Josip Klima). Master Degree with special award in 1986
ARTISTIC ACTIVITIES of Volodja Balzalorsky
Volodja Balzalorsky is internationally acclaimed violinist. He is Two Time Winner and Four-Time Nominee of Independent Music Awards
Volodja Balzalorsky is recipient of several further international music awards such as The Hollywood Music in Media Award, The Inland Empire Music Award, The Ontario Independent Music Award, The Canary Island Music Award, Julij Betetto Music Award.
Numerous highly praised concerts, broadcasts, CD and TV recordings in various countries have established his reputation as an artist with a sensitive, intelligent, and intuitive gift of interpretation, a polished technique, and a rich, full tone.
Volodja Balzalorsky has been a guest artist at international festivals and concert series in various countries such as Italy, France, Austria, Belgium, the United Kingdom, Germany, Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Turkey, Portugal, Norway, Denmark and USA.
Volodja Balzalorsky is particularly active in the field of chamber music. He works with many international groups and ensembles, and for several years has successfully performed in DUO with pianists Christoph Theiler and Hinko Haas. Critics comment on the degree to which he is able to develop and maintain unity with his musical partners in this milieu, presenting …an exceptional harmony of ease and authenticity of performance.
He is a member of renowned Amael Piano Trio (www.amaeltrio.com). In 2015 he started to play in Duo with renowned pianist Aleksandar Serdar (www.aleksandarserdar.com).
One of his specialties is the development of a repertoire for violin solo and percussion. Volodja Balzalorsky performed in the Percussion Plus Project at the Interlochen Arts Centre, Indianapolis, Greencastle, DePauw University, in the United States, and repeated in Prague and in Venice, Italy, with much acclaim.
Balzalorsky’s special interests include the promotion of contemporary music. Several known composers have written music especially for him.
Volodja Balzalorsky has made extensive live and archival radio and TV recordings throughout Europe and the United States. Recently four CDs were released as part of his LIVE Collection, with 5 more planned for release on the CANTABEL label, supported by the Slovenian Ministry for Culture and the City of Ljubljana, with added releases by EROICA, a well known US Label that features great classical artists worldwide.
The live collection of Volodja Balzalorsky, is a unique presentation featuring the violinist with his chamber music partners, from 1985 to the present. The performances are taken from live national broadcasts, international festivals and concert series, around the world.
You are visiting the page: Violin Professor Volodja Balzalorsky
- University of Ljubljana – Academy of Music
- Teaching Resume
- Violin teaching history
- A key part of teaching methodology
- The most important violin teaching elements
- Students
- Students of Violin Professor Volodja Balzalorsky
- Volodja’s students internationally successful in the field of Crossover
- Andrej Kopac
- Volodja Balzalorsky’s EDUCATION
- ARTISTIC ACTIVITIES of Volodja Balzalorsky